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A Decade Long Investigation



Favaloro's Suicide: Larreta and Vidal's Role Under Scrutiny

A Decade-Long Investigation

Ten years after the tragic suicide of renowned heart surgeon René Favaloro, the role played by former Buenos Aires Mayor Mauricio Macri and former Buenos Aires Governor María Eugenia Vidal in his death is once again under investigation.

Unverified Debt Allegations

According to statements made by Rodríguez Larreta after Favaloro's death, the social work organization did not have a verified debt with the foundation. However, Favaloro's associates claimed that the debt was substantial and had contributed to his financial distress.

Political Pressure

Allegations have surfaced that Macri and Vidal exerted political pressure on Favaloro in the months leading up to his suicide. Some believe that the pressure stemmed from Favaloro's outspoken criticism of the government's health policies.

Unanswered Questions

Despite ongoing investigations, the exact circumstances surrounding Favaloro's suicide remain unclear. His death has become a symbol of the challenges faced by healthcare professionals and the political pressures that can affect them.
